Wednesday, March 28, 2012


In this world you live asleep like the dead
Distorted dream through a prism unclean
The colors your see are not what they seem
How can you see with your eyes wide shut?

Kiss the demons at their feet
Praise them for their artful lies
Let them lull you back to sleep
Singing sweet dark lullabies
In mundo vivunt, somno velut mortui
A deformato per somnium inmundum carcer
See your colores non sunt quod videntur 
Quomodo clausis oculis vestris wide? 

Osculamini pedes eorum daemonum 
Laus eorum est artificiosa 
Ipsi vos ad somnum otium 
Cantus dulcis tenebris lullabies

Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Attic

Boxed up memories collect dust in the attic 
Concealed in the corner behind shattered glass
Reflections of people seen through hazy static 
Remember the reason you chose to forget

Saturday, March 24, 2012


Smashed to pieces; torn and tattered  
Spill my guts out on the floor
Beaten, broken, bruised, and battered 
Tape me up to take some more

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Spaces Between

This sober sky is a bleak reminder of the mistakes I made
I spread my wings, flew away and left you on the ground

Well flying leads to falling through the spaces in between,
I screamed away the pain and now I'm dancing in the clouds

But somewhere out there you still exist -- outside my mind you still exist
And somewhere out there you're still breathing-- your lungs still drink the air