Monday, May 23, 2011

la tentation

Who the hell am I? Take a look. Take a look. In the mirror.
I'm your old dreams. I am your illusions of grandeur.
Death kissed me and told everyone, but I'm still standing.
You try to hide me behind promotions and money. I'm still here.

What you could have been, what you should have been,
what you still could be...
It's all tattooed here across my sun-kissed skin.

Fancy lettering and swirls and dashes. These scars scare you to death.
Take me out easy. Take me out softly.
Don't let the town see my sash so red.

I have been shining through the cracks in your heart, pushing myself into your view.
Your last chance to have complete freedom is caught in the curls of my hair.

Trust me darling, a sin knows what it's talking about.


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