Saturday, February 12, 2011

Love Making

Are you thirsty? Are you begging for a break?
Come take a sip of my water, I was always taught to share.
Some are leery with their nourishment, but I'm here for you.
Let's play doctor, I've got plenty to go around.
You can take as many sips as you want of my serum, but you cannot bathe in it.
Submerging the whole self is not permitted, but I suppose a limb would be fine.

One more? One more? Just a little bit more?

I gave you an inch, you took my soul.
My salvation is contaminated.
Nobody told me it would get poisoned.
It's killing me. And you move on to other prey.
I can't ever get it back. It was so pleasant having a full vessel of the opiate.
The pain comes too sharply now. But I see the solution.
I see you with your vessel that's brimming with medicine.

And I need a sip... Just a sip.


Christian J. Clark said...

This, right here, it's too good. Like a box full of chocolates that all happen to taste good. That would be TOO good. This fits that category. Good job! =)

smra said...

You are much too nice sir.
But thank you.

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